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Courses and Programs


Mars Settlement & Exploration 

An 9-week online certificate Program hosted from 2021-2022 on Mars Settlement and Exploration about the life and systems in designing, building, and operating a Mars settlement to advance the R&D and develop the mindset to become multiplanetary.


Venus Science & Engineering

An  8-week online program hosted in 2023 to design and support aerostat balloon TRL demo on Earth and later in Venus clouds. Learn to apply engineering and aerospace principles and math, to model flight performance, turbulence, materials performance, and more.


Satellite Engineering & Electromagnetronics SEE321

The 12-weeks online 3 CR course cohosted in Spring 2023 by Magneto Space & MU immerses participants in a research intensive course to design MagSat cubesat with Spintronics & PEMF ElectroMagnetic Field.

Credit:roland pippes heidelberg
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