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Seminars are about the activities, technologies, biology, and much more involved in making life multi-planetary and establishing a permanent human presence on planet Mars, Venus, and nearby planets.


Join us in learning from leaders pioneering the field during Seminars held each month as 60-minute Zoom Webinars and later uploaded to the MarsU Youtube Channel, unless otherwise noted.


Register for the latest Seminar on Eventbrite. Access and subscribe to the MarsU Events Google Calendar here.

Seminar Coordinator

2022 Seminars

January 11, 2022

 The lecture explores human performance in extreme environments during oceanic expeditions. Dr. Stuster  presents results of his space-analog research, which includes a summary of his 13-year Journals Flight Experiment.

January 20, 2022

Katherinne Herrera, President of AGICE, SGAC NPoC Guatemala

Learn about the design, analysis, and experiments  with biological payloads inclinostats with 3d printed parts on Earth to simulate microgravity and alternative reduced gravity of Moon, Mars, and other planets. 

2021 Seminars

December 18, 2020

Michael Hecht, MIT Haystack Observatory and Kris Zacny, Honeybee Robotics

The seminar explores the innovation in the materials, environment, and mission requirements to successfully operate robots on the surface of Mars to open up a new frontier for life in the Solar system.

January 20, 2021

Grant Anderson, Cofounder and CEO at Paragon Space Development Corporation

The seminar explores the innovation in the materials, environment, and mission requirements to successfully operate robots on the surface of Mars to open up a new frontier for life in the Solar system.

April 21, 2021

Ian Jakupca, Fuel Cell Technology Lead, NASA Glenn Research Center

This Seminar dives into an overview of Proton-exchange membrane (PEM) and solid oxide fuel cell designs, materials, and systems to provide abundant clean water and energy for Martian colonists.

Host: Kole Lutz

May 28, 2021

Igor bargatin PhD, Associate Professor, Applied Mechanical Engineering at University of Pennslyvania

Explores design, fabrication, applications, and significance of nanocardboard aircraft, photophoretic forces, levitation for Earth and Mars.

July 1, 2021

Detailed design, engineering, and significance of a hopping small robots, swarms for spatial data collection, resources and missions on Mars

Host: Kole Lutz

August 14, 2021

Kolemann Lutz, Founder, Biofrequency Analytics

Explores the research, science, and significance of bioresonance scalar wave software to monitor the health of humans, astronauts, and organisms

Host: Kole Lutz

November 11, 2021

Robin Wordsworth PhD, Associate Professor, EAPS, Harvard University

The design, research, and significance of 2-3 cm silica aerogel sheets to melt water ice, & enable habitable greenhouses on Mars

Host: Kole Lutz

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